The Simplicity of Wellness Podcast
The Simplicity of Wellness podcast is about learning how to bring your body into balance so that you get leaner, stronger and healthier as you age. Each week I'll share thoughts and ideas that help my clients build the self-awareness, self-confidence and self-reliance to lose weight, shed inches, manage muscle mass and master their mind so that they can stop dieting and enjoy living at their healthy weight with optimal wellness.
The Simplicity of Wellness Podcast
Say Goodbye to Sugar Dependence and Anxiety
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Welcome to the Simplicity of Wellness podcast.
Speaker 1:I'm your host, board-certified holistic nutritionist and professional life coach, amy White. The purpose of this podcast is to share information that you can use to become leaner, stronger and healthier by losing weight, shedding inches, maintaining muscle and managing your mind, all while living your normal, busy life life in this modern, sugar-filled world. Let's talk about food emergencies. When your body's out of balance metabolic balance and you're primarily using sugar as your fuel source, you do a lot of ups and downs, peaks and valleys. This is your energy level, this is your mood, this is even your sleep pattern. A body out of balance has what I call food emergencies. This is when you go from not being hungry so red light to all of a sudden being so hungry. You can't think about anything else. You go red light to green light. I must eat immediately. You can't focus on work, you can't have a conversation. All you can do is think about what am I going to eat and how am I going to get it? That is a food emergency. And when you're living as a sugar burner, you are having a lot of food emergencies. You go from red to green. What you may not realize is a body imbalance. Doesn't go from red not hungry to green I have to eat. Right now, a body imbalance goes from red to yellow.
Speaker 1:Food becomes a suggestion rather than an emergency. Your body in balance is fuel flexible, so it can burn sugars and fats very effectively and efficiently. So there are no dips and peaks, you just have this very lovely wave of constant energy. So your body is not freaking out and going oh my gosh, if we don't eat something right now, we're going to die, which is basically what's happening when you're doing this, when you're on a blood sugar roller coaster. That's what your body thinks If we don't eat right now, we're going to die. And so your sole focus becomes food. A body in balance eats nutrient-dense food. You know how to build meals so that you feel full and satisfied for four or more hours. One thing that happens is you stop snacking because you are so full and satisfied, so you're not spending a lot of time thinking about food beyond your meals and even those meals, again, are not an emergency, it's a suggestion. It's your body going hey, it's probably time to top us up. We need those nutrients. That's all your body's asking of you. It's not thinking you're going to die. There's no emergency. It's just, if we want to run efficiently and optimally, we should probably get some more nutrients in here so that things continue to run smoothly.
Speaker 1:So along with hunger emergencies comes this idea of hunger anxiety. That's something that I talk to clients about all the time New clients they eat when they're not hungry in anticipation of having a hunger emergency. It doesn't feel good, it feels terrible. Nobody wants to get there. But if that's how you're living with this, you know one emergency to the next, you're going to do everything you can to make sure the emergency doesn't happen. So you have this hunger anxiety that you live with, trying to figure out when you're going to need to get food, how you're going to get that food, so that you can avoid that sort of moment in time when you can't do anything except figure out how to eat.
Speaker 1:Hunger anxiety is something that will send you to the drive-thru. It will have you grabbing a bag of chips. It will keep you snacking all day. You're eating preemptively to shut down your appetite, but you're doing it from a place where you're not actually hungry yet. So the worst thing you can do when it comes to weight loss is eat when you're not actually hungry yet. So the worst thing you can do when it comes to weight loss is eat when you're not hungry. Being metabolically out of balance and running on sugar makes it very difficult to lose weight. When you learn how to bring your body into balance, balance those metabolic hormones so that your hunger calms down, your sugar cravings go away, your energy goes up, your sleep gets better, your anxiety totally calms down, weight loss feels easier, weight loss feels doable, weight loss feels good, it's fun to lose weight.
Speaker 1:When losing weight is making everything else feel better.
Speaker 1:Traditional weight loss, calorie restriction, deprivation, ignoring your hunger that doesn't feel good, it feels terrible and it's something that you want to end very fast. You're just watching the finish line, hoping for that finish line because you're just not sure how much of this you can keep doing. Healthy weight loss doesn't feel like that. Healthy weight loss is taking you from hunger emergency to hunger.
Speaker 1:Suggestion. Healthy weight loss feels good. You feel full and satisfied, you eat when you're hungry and you don't actually think about food when you're not hungry. If this sounds interesting to you and you want to learn more about the idea of healthy weight loss, click the link in the notes below to join my Weight Loss for Women free membership community. When you're ready to feel what it's like to lose weight without feeling like you're trying to lose weight, come join me and the other members of the Weight Loss for Women community. It's free to join. Click the link below the show notes to gain access to this positive and encouraging place where women support each other as we lose weight and together become leaner, stronger and healthier.