The Simplicity of Wellness Podcast
The Simplicity of Wellness podcast is about learning how to bring your body into balance so that you get leaner, stronger and healthier as you age. Each week I'll share thoughts and ideas that help my clients build the self-awareness, self-confidence and self-reliance to lose weight, shed inches, manage muscle mass and master their mind so that they can stop dieting and enjoy living at their healthy weight with optimal wellness.
The Simplicity of Wellness Podcast
Redefine Healthy Eating: Make It Work For You
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Welcome to the Simplicity of Wellness podcast. I'm your host, board-certified holistic nutritionist and professional life coach, amy White. The purpose of this podcast is to share information that you can use to become leaner, stronger and healthier by losing weight, shedding inches, maintaining muscle and managing your mind, all while living your normal busy life life in this modern, sugar-filled world. Happy New Year, simplifiers. I am excited about 2025. I don't know what it is, but I feel a lot of possibility and that makes me excited to see what's ahead. I'm excited about my own possibility and what I'm going to be doing and building this year, but also what's possible for you. As you may or may not know, one of my biggest accomplishments for 2024 was creating my brand new free Weight Loss for Women membership community. If you haven't joined, click the link below the show notes and come join us. I'm particularly eager to see how the women who have joined my membership community and those who will be joining throughout the year embrace their possibility. What are they thinking and believing about themselves today? What do they believe is possible, what do they believe isn't possible, and how will that change in one month, six months and, finally, by the end of the year? One of my goals is to help every woman in the community embrace healthy change. I want them to realize that healthy, feel-good weight loss is theirs if they want it. The belief that weight loss has to feel hard and be a miserable experience is a myth. It's a myth that I want you to stop believing right now. I want you to trade weight loss is hard with this. Weight loss is a natural process that brings my body back into balance. As I lose weight, I feel better, it's not uncomfortable, I'm eating when I'm hungry and I feel full and satisfied most of the time. Write this down and repeat it to yourself. Healthy weight loss that feels good is a natural process that allows my body to regain and maintain healthy balance.
Speaker 1:Along with weight loss myths about discomfort and struggle, there are also self-beliefs that have the power to sabotage your weight loss. There's one common self-belief that I hear often. It's actually a positive self-belief with a negative impact on weight loss. It's the statement I eat healthy. If you believe that you eat healthy, why would you take a closer look at your diet? If you're already eating healthy, then it couldn't be your food that's causing you to struggle with your weight. But what is healthy eating? What does that even mean. If I ask 10 people to define healthy eating, I suspect and rightly so that I would get 10 different answers.
Speaker 1:The right, healthy diet should be unique to each person. What makes a diet healthy is when your body responds positively to the food you eat. When I say positive response, I'm not talking about the short-lived dopamine hit you get from high sugar foods like donuts, ice cream, candy and potato chips. I'm talking about having more energy, less anxiety, better focus, a stable weight, restful sleep, excellent blood markers and being able to climb stairs without pain. For people who struggle with random swelling and pain in their joints or kidney stones, so-called superfoods like spinach, beet greens, chard, almonds and sweet potatoes are the opposite of healthy. These foods are high in a natural plant compound called oxalates. For many people, a healthy diet that includes these foods can actually hurt rather than help.
Speaker 1:We can all fall down the rabbit hole of what's healthy and what's not, but that really won't get us anywhere, except to a point of total confusion. Instead, think about how you feel, how you look, what your doctor tells you about your health. Are you getting gold stars all around or Is there room for improvement? If there's room for improvement, the first place to start is by looking at your diet. Even if your diet is super healthy, start by evaluating how much sugar and carbs you eat. Whole grain breads, brown rice, raw sugar, organic honey, gluten-free pasta and ancient grain granola are high-carb, high-sugar foods and they can easily hold you back from losing weight.
Speaker 1:If you're over 40, help your body out. Focus on balancing your blood sugar with carbs from non-starchy vegetables and low-sugar fruits like berries. Prioritize your protein with mostly animal-based proteins. Use a little bit of fat like olive oil, avocado oil and real butter to make your food tasty. More than anything, take an honest look at what you eat most of the time. How much of that food comes from meals versus snacks? How much is planned versus grabbed? Increase the size of your meals to minimize your need for snacks In a hurry. Make sure your fridge is stocked with cooked protein so if you do grab, you grab what your body actually needs.
Speaker 1:Take a daily inventory of how you feel Was today better or worse than yesterday. If it was better, why. What was different? Track that stuff and then repeat it. Same goes for if it was worse. What was different? Write this down, keep track, watch for patterns. Do more of what makes you feel better.
Speaker 1:If all of this feels overwhelming and not like something you think you can figure out on your own, don't throw up your hands and declare it's too hard. Hire help. Find a nutritionist or a dietitian that you connect with. Join a group it doesn't have to be my group. If you want to write down an average day of food, everything you typically eat, and get an analysis of which foods are likely helping you achieve your weight loss goals and which foods are holding you back, I can do that. Click the diet analysis link below the show notes.
Speaker 1:Everyone has the ability to lose weight in a healthy way that feels comfortable and natural. The first step is learning how to get your body to help you do it. Feed your body what it needs and you'll be rewarded with feeling and looking the way you want. The takeaway from today's episode is this If you believe you're eating healthy, but your weight, body and or health goals feel out of reach, then it's time to reevaluate your diet and figure out what healthy eating really means for you. When you're ready to feel what it's like to lose weight without feeling like you're trying to lose weight, come join me and the other members of the Weight Loss for Women community. It's free to join. Click the link below the show notes to gain access to this positive and encouraging place where women support each other as we lose weight and together become leaner, stronger and healthier.